Helping You Break Traditionalism to Find the Revelations You Seek

Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth

Setting you up for success in your personal study time



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Welcome to the official website of Kingdom Worker Ministries. We are an internet-based ministry that seeks illumination of the scriptures and offer the same with that which has been revealed to us. We aim to faithfully teach God’s divine word, revealing all that we discover no matter how inconsequential it may appear to be, so that all who have an ear to hear will acquire a deeper understanding of the things of God.

Our ministry offers a series of products and resources that are designed to increase your awareness, to improve your understanding, to deepen your knowledge, and to inspire you to walk in truth. Through them we desire to impart knowledge that will enable you to discern the truths hidden in God’s word (Ezekiel 44:23) and to provide validation to those who have an ear to hear his word (Ephesians 4:29).

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Latest Release

The Truth Tree: ...finding truth amidst the distractions.

by George A. Evans

Would you like to establish a better relationship with God? Would you like to enhance your Christian walk? Would you like to understand the truth about the scriptures that God has given you? Would you like to comprehend the truth of the scriptures that comes from a higher level of perception, a higher level of discernment, and a higher level of understanding?

This book was written to help you answer these questions and many, many more. This book will help open your mind that you might understand, help open your spiritual eyes that you might see, and help open your spiritual ears, that you might hear (Matthew 13:9-16). “The Truth Tree” will help you do that.

Available for purchase on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback formats. Get your copy today!

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It's time to step outside of the box of traditionalism, free yourself from your self-imposed captivity, and free your mind from the one who specializes in trying to keep you in bondage.

Personally, I enjoy combing through the Bible; seeking wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and truth from those mysteries (hidden truths) God has placed throughout his word for his children to find. I have many questions that need answers, so I seek truth as I search for those answers. I know somewhere in the quagmire of answers lies the truth, the truth and the knowledge that I am told by God to hunt for, look for, and seek. I have put away all fears, laid aside those traditional views, freed myself from my self-induced restrictions, and now I freely seek the truth. I have opened my mind to all possibilities, for I now know that truth is absolute and is not limited, nor opened to having more than one possible meaning or interpretation.

I am not traditional in my responses nor am I traditional in my acceptance of other’s responses either. Just because someone claims something is true, does not make it so. There must be solid scriptural evidence, chapter and verse, to support all claims, no matter the source. The truth is unequivocally complete, not capable of being viewed as partial or relative. I know that the truth comes directly from God who grants knowledge, understanding, and revelation.

I’ve unlearned all that I’ve learned, putting aside everything that I thought I knew, so that I can start anew, with no preconceived notions. I think outside of the box and have opened my mind not to the impossible, but opened my mind to the limitlessness of God. I believe everything important when it comes to the things of God, so there is nothing that is left to chance, no matter how trivial. You may not like or agree with what I have to say and that is fine because I understand that my message is not for all. However, I do know that my message is for those who have an ear to hear and those who want to go to the next level.

So, I challenge you, step outside of the box of traditionalism, free yourself from your self-imposed captivity, and free your mind from the one who specializes in trying to keep you in bondage. I also challenge you to seek truth and in your seeking, to seek knowledge, for they are an interesting combination to have with you. The scriptures say we be the light of the world, a glorious city set on the top of a hill gleaming for the world to see. For that reason, I be a new creature, a new creation, a worker together with God, helping to establish his covenant. Maintaining integrity is now more important than ever before as I am a representative of the kingdom. I be a Kingdom Worker.

George A. Evans
Founder & Director

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In-Person Bible Studies Available

In-person Bible studies are available at our corporate headquarters, located at 302 West Main Street, Suite F, Christiansburg, VA.

For more information, please click the button to learn more about our Bible studies. Continued blessings.

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Kingdom Worker Ministries, Inc. has a big vision and it is going to take a strong group of believers to help bring it to past. Help us be the hands and feet, as we work to see the world transformed where believers are led into a ever-growing relationship with God, worshipping Him in spirit and truth. Your prayers and financial support makes it possible for us to complete this great work. Know that when you support this ministry, you are sowing your seed into good ground and there will be a harvest.

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Paul had an assignment to inform others of the mystery of the gospel. He had to make clear without fear the good news...

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P. O. Box 33
Christiansburg, VA 24068-0033

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